First Look - Part 1 | Northwest Indiana Photographer
It’s Wedding Day! And it’s Get Another Daughter Day! And mostly it’s I’m Incredibly Happy For My Son Day!
We are on our way up into Mill Creek Canyon in Utah, traveling along gawking at mountains and enjoying fellowship with the others in the car. Then I turned on the music… and cue the tears! I Oh, Shoot!
Everyone quick looks up… what’s wrong?
Sorry, everyone! It’s just the Mom-tears starting. Just a heart full of gratefulness to God for always, always, always showing Himself faithful. It was the Song. Goodness of God. (Go ahead… put it on and listen as you look through the images!) So I’m handed the nearest towel in the car to try to save the make-up. Ha!
Anyway, I just need to say how incredibly good God has been through my life - the beautiful, the tragic, the fun, the hard, the happiness. And how good for me to live to see my son find such a sweet wife to go through life with. And may they find that Life with Him will keep them bound to each other through their beautiful, their tragic, their fun, their hard, their happiness.
The following images are from their First Look! I’ll be posting two more journal entries for you to see more as we took more photos in the epic mountains and forest of Mill Creek Canyon (All the while adamantly keeping her dress clean!)