Admiration - Part 2 | Northwest Indiana Engagement Photographer

Admiration - Part 2 | Northwest Indiana Engagement Photographer

Give me a stack of photographs to view and I see a story playing out in my mind. It’s why I love sessions. And albums. And wall groupings. Not just because of the pretty pictures, but for the word-less scripting of a life’s story. Not every photo in my sessions will have the eyes posed looking at the camera. ( I DO like those, too!) Liking peeking through a keyhole into a room, I get to see people relate and express their emotions naturally - but instead, it’s through my camera lens. One photograph can stand alone and be emotive; but when a series of images are threaded together, oh, what a story it can tell! In one image, we may not see Hope’s happy face as she twirls about her husband’s fingers, but we DO see Stephen’s. She may not be the focal point of the image… and yet she is to him. It’s just one of many parts of their love story.

Pursue admiration! It only takes a quick moment to glance over and admire your spouse. Just because! More fun thoughts from this session coming in Part 3.

(Need to catch up? Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5)

Pursuing Other's Interests - Part 3 | Northwest Indiana Engagement Photographer

Pursuing Other's Interests - Part 3 | Northwest Indiana Engagement Photographer

Romance and Confessions | Northwest Indiana Engagement Photographer

Romance and Confessions | Northwest Indiana Engagement Photographer